Monday, November 16, 2009

As I sit by his side, Helpless!

As I sit here by Cody's bedside, I continuosly wonder what is going on in his mind. I watch him like a hawk but won't ever know the thoughts that he posses at this crucial moment. This is Day 12 for him, but only Day 4 of me being by his side.  We arrived Friday, November 13th, at around 2:00 pm Hawaii time. Our crew consisted of myself, my mother, my cousin Celesta who is an ICU nurse, Cody's Aunt Malinda & Uncle Jesse. We got to the island, dropped off our things at the hotel & immediately rushed to the hospital. I didn't want to waste another minute not being by his side. Once we got here things just didn't look good. I never imagined seeing Cody, the love of my life, in this condition. Seeing him so helpless made me hurt so bad inside, I just wanted to hit my knees. The doctors explained the extent of his illness to us and just told us that he wasn't to sure of what was going to happen. He explained that both good days & bad days were to be expected. Also, not to be surprised if he took two steps forward but one step back. I was kind of discouraged but I know Cody is VERY strong & is one heck of a fighter so I was a little more optimistic considering he had just been in Afghan Land and came home safe & sound.

Saturday seemed to be the start of his good days. We arrived at the hospital at around 11:00am. Once we got here, things moved slow but we made a little progress. At this time, he was still pretty sedated but as we were leaving he started to open his eyes & lift his eyebrows..THAT made my day. The doctor then explained that he was very encouraged..they had been lowering Cody's sedation & oxygen levels; all great signs of improvements. I was able to rest easy knowing there was alot to look forward to on Sunday.

Sunday rolled around..We got back over to the hospital & found out that he was making more and more progress. Cody seemed to be very aware that we were there. As we all moved in and started talking to him he started opening his eyes and moving his eyebrows up & down. As time went by he picked up his arm to hold my hand..then lifted his legs. I told him I was gonna paint his toenails pink & he lifted his eyebrows real fast & shook his head no..hehe :) I was in "awe" at this point. I decided to stay with Cody overnight here at the hospital.

As I he lay there watching tv & I sit by his side, I decided to make small talk with him just to see if he would respond. I told Cody "See I told you I would spend thanksgiving with you" He shook his head yes. I said "I love you baby, can you shake your head if you love me?" He opened his eyes real big & shook his head yes. I said "I love you more & now you can't argue with me" He shook his head no. I said "See, I am always right, huh?" He shook his head yes! ;)

Today: Monday, November 16th, was a good day. We got news that this week they are going to try & wean him completely off the ventilator. That means no more tube down his throat, no more sedatives, & kisses for me!! YAY! :)

Somtimes I wonder why these things happen..why God puts us through these hardships..but I know "If God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it." I feel so blessed to be here by his side. I love my job, & I'm proud to say I'm a Marine's Girl. OORAH! I thank God everyday that I got to come out alot earlier than planned. I also am so grateful to have my mom by my side giving me the encouragement & Cody strength. I know that all these trials have only strengthened our relationship..& it definitely can't be compared to any one elses! I'm hooked; after this I will be glued to Cody's side! Cammies or no cammies, we're walking hand in hand out of here!!! <3 (If your a marines girl, you know the rule-no holding hands while your mans in cammies.)

 "It might be stormy now, but it CAN'T rain forever!"


  1. Adelle, you are an amazing person! The love you have for Cody is beyond amazing. I just cried through reading your new entry. lol. Just know that I'm praying for everything to get better for you! <3 Kourt

  2. Awww Adelle! Im glad to read of his progress and I have been asking my boy to pray for him over in Okinawa. There are many people on your side, as you support him everyday, supporting you. Keep your head up as you have been. It is very encouraging to read that the doctors are planning to wean him off. =)
